13 Mar 2016

Queues in Salesforce

Queues allow groups of users to manage a shared workload more effectively. A queue is a location where records can be routed to await processing by a group member. The records remain in the queue until a user accepts them for processing or they are transferred to another queue. You can specify the set of objects that are supported by each queue, as well as the set of users that are allowed to retrieve records from the queue.


Setup---->Administrator---->Manage Users---->Queue---->New

Step1---->Enter Queue Label and Email Address
Step2---->Enter Supported Objects
Step3---->Enter Queue Members

Queue Members====>

To add members to this queue, select a type of member, then choose the group, role, or user from the "Available Members" and move them to the "Selected Members." If the sharing model for all objects in the Queue is Public Read/Write/Transfer, you do not need to assign users to the queue, as all users already have access to the records for those objects.
Queue Members are nothing but  Users,Public Groups,Role,Role and Subordinates.

Edit Queue

my queue

Queue Edit

Enter the name of the queue and the email address to use when sending notifications (for example, when a case has been put in the queue). The email address can be for an individual or a distribution list. When an object is assigned to a queue, only the queue members will be notified.


*Queue Name

Queue Email

Send Email to Members

Supported Objects

Available Objects
*Selected Object
 Queue Members
  •    To add members to this queue, select a type of member, then choose the group, role, or user from the "Available Members" and move them to the "Selected Members." If the sharing model for all objects in the Queue is Public Read/Write/Transfer, you do not need to assign users to the queue, as all users already                           have access to the records for those objects
  • Search:          for:  

Available Members
Selected Members