13 Mar 2016

Examples for Workflow Rules

Examples of Workflow Rules

1.Follow Up Before Contract Expires
Send an email reminder to the renewal manager 20 days before a contract’s end date.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluate the rule when a record is: created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria.
Rule Criteria (Filter)
Run this rule if the following criteria are met:
(Contract: Status equals Activated)
Immediate Actions
Time-Dependent Actions
20 Days Before Contract: End Date—Email Alert: Send an email reminder to the renewal manager to confirm whether the client would like an extension.
2.Follow Up when Platinum Contract Case Closes
This example assumes there is a Contract Type custom picklist used to identify the contract level on cases, and that the picklist contains the value “Platinum.”
Send a feedback request in email to the case contact seven days after a high-priority case is closed if the customer has a platinum contract agreement.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluate the rule when a record is: created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria.
Rule Criteria (Filter)
Run this rule if the following criteria are met:
(Case: Priority equals High) and
(Case: Closed equals True) and
(Case: Contract Type equals Platinum)
Immediate Actions
Time-Dependent Actions
7 Days After Case: Date/Time Closed—Email Alert: Send a feedback request to the case contact.
3.Assign Credit Check for New Customer
This example assumes there is a New Customer custom field on opportunities.
Send a feedback request in email to the case contact seven days after a high-priority case is closed if the customer has a platinum contract agreement.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluate the rule when a record is: created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria.
Rule Criteria (Filter)
Run this rule if the following criteria are met:
(Case: Priority equals High) and
(Case: Closed equals True) and
(Case: Contract Type equals Platinum)
Immediate Actions
Time-Dependent Actions
7 Days After Case: Date/Time Closed—Email Alert: Send a feedback request to the case contact.

4.Notify Account Owner About New, High-Priority Cases                          
This example assumes there is a Service Level Agreement custom picklist called SLA that identifies the agreement level on accounts and contains the value “Platinum.”

Notify the account owner when a high-priority case is created for accounts with a platinum service level agreement.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluate the rule when a record is: created.
Rule Criteria (Filter)
Run this rule if the following criteria are met:
(Case: Priority equals High) and
(Account: SLA equals Platinum)
Immediate Actions
Email Alert: Email the details of the high-priority case to the account owner.
Time-Dependent Actions