11 Mar 2016

Profiles Overview

Introducing Profiles

Standard Profiles:

The platform provides the following set of standard profiles in every organization:
  • Read Only
  • Standard User
  • Marketing User
  • Contract Manager
  • Solution Manager
  • System Administrator
Each of these standard profiles includes a default set of permissions for all of the standard objects available on the platform.
When a custom object is created, most profiles (except those with “Modify All Data”) don't give access to the object. You can find more detailed descriptions of all the standard profiles in the Salesforce Help, but the important thing to know is that you can never edit the object permissions on a standard profile. If you have access to the Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, or Developer Editions of the platform, it’s a good idea to make copies of the standard profiles and then customize the copies to fit the needs of your organization. You can also use permission sets to grant additional permissions.
For our Recruiting app, we’ll make a copy of the standard profile and customize it (and as a result, Enterprise, Unlimited,Performance, and Developer Editions will be the only editions that the Recruiting app will support). We’ll also use permission sets to grant additional permissions to a smaller set of users.

profile is a collection of settings and permissions that determine what a user can do in the platform, kind of like a group in a Windows network, where all of the members of the group have the same folder permissions and access to the same software. Profiles control:
  • Object permissions—The objects the user can view, create, edit, and delete
  • Field permissions (also known as “field-level security”)—The object fields the user can view and edit
  • User permissions—The specific functions that users can perform, like viewing the Setup menu and customizing applications
  • Tab settings—The tabs the user can view in the app
  • App settings—The standard and custom apps the user can access
  • Apex class access—The Apex classes a user can execute
  • Visualforce page access—The Visualforce pages a user can execute
  • Page layouts—The page layouts a user sees
  • Record types—The record types available to the user
  • Login hours—The hours during which the user can log in to the app
  • Login IP ranges—The IP addresses from which the user can log in to the app
Profiles are typically defined by a user's job function (for example, system administrator or sales representative), but you can have profiles for anything that makes sense for your organization. A profile can be assigned to many users, but a user can be assigned to only one profile at a time.
Navigation to Profiles:
Setup......>Adinistrator......>Manage Users......>Profiles.....>New Profile
Step:1....>Choose any one of the Existing Profile
Step:2....>Choose the Liecence Type
Step:3....>Entter the Custom Profile nname 
Step:5.....>Edit the Profile and Customize the Permissions.

Example::Create the Standard Employee Profile

Now that we've created our Recruiter profile, let's finish up with a profile for standard employees. As we mentioned earlier, in your own company, you may want to create additional profiles with basic access settings for the various core job functions, but for our purposes, these will work just fine for now.
To refresh our memories, let's take a look at our required permissions summary table:

Table 1. Summary of Required Permissions: Standard Employee

PositionsCandidatesJob ApplicationsReviewsJob PostingsEmployment Websites
Standard Employee
  • Read (No min/max pay)
Standard employees don’t need much access, but we do want them to be able to view all the open positions so they can help recruit new employees. Creating this profile will be easy. Go ahead and follow the steps that we outlined in the previous section and specify the following.
  • Name the profile Standard Employee, and base it on the Standard User profile.
  • Enable the “Read” permission on the Positions object.
Fantastic! We've just finished defining profiles for all the users in our Recruiting app. Next we’ll create permission sets to grant additional permissions to the people that need them.