12 Mar 2016

Example of Users

Example: Create More Users

To really put our Recruiting app through its paces, we'll first need to define the rest of our users and assign a couple of them to some of the recruiting records that we imported earlier.

Table 1. Summary of Required Permissions: Recruiter and Standard Employee Profiles

RecruiterStandard Employee
PositionRead Create EditRead (No min/max pay)
CandidateRead Create Edit
Job ApplicationRead Create Edit
ReviewRead Create Edit
Job PostingRead Create Edit Delete
Employment WebsiteRead Create Edit Delete
Let's walk through the creation of our recruiter: Mario Ruiz. Then you can finish the other users on your own.
  1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
  2. Click New User.
  3. Fill out the required fields in the User edit page.
Just as you did with Cynthia Capobianco, in the Email field enter a real email address that you have access to, and in the Usernamefield enter a “fake” email address (for example, mario.ruiz@recruiting.com).
  1. From the Profile drop-down list, select Recruiter.
  2. Click Save.
Now that we've created the Mario Ruiz user, let's give him ownership of the DBA position and its associated job application and candidate records.
  1. Click the Positions tab.
  2. From the View drop-down list, select All and click Go.
  3. Click DBA.
  4. Next to the Owner field, click Change.
  5. Click the lookup icon  and choose Mario Ruiz.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Job Applications related list, click the name of the listed job application and repeat Steps 8-11.
  8. Click the ID of the associated candidate on the Job Application detail page and repeat Steps 8-11.
Now create the other users in Summary of User Profile Assignments and assign them the profiles listed in the table. Since Mario is our only recruiter, he’s the only user we’ll assign the Recruiter profile to. Everyone else should have the Standard Employee profile.

Table 2. Summary of User Profile Assignments

Phil KatzStandard Employee
Megan SmithStandard Employee
Craig KingmanStandard Employee
Tom ZalesStandard Employee
Melissa LeeStandard Employee
Ben StuartStandard Employee
Andy MacrolaStandard Employee
Amy LojackStandard Employee
Frank LinstromStandard Employee
Andrew GoldbergStandard Employee
Harry PotterhamStandard Employee
Flash StevensonStandard Employee
Clark KentmanStandard Employee
Cynthia CapobiancoStandard Employee
Notice that most of our users have the same profile. With the Standard Employee profile, the only thing these users can do in our recruiting app is look at positions (not including certain fields). But what about the users who need to access more information, such as hiring manager Ben Stuart? Well, this is where our permission sets come in, which we created in Introducing Permission Sets. Here’s a recap of the permissions we gave the Hiring Manager and Interviewer permission sets.

Table 3. Summary of Required Permissions: Hiring Manager and Interviewer Permission Sets

Hiring ManagerInterviewer
PositionRead Create Edit*Read (No min/max pay)
CandidateRead* (No SSN)Read * (No SSN)
Job ApplicationRead Edit (No lookup fields)Read *
ReviewRead Create EditRead ** Create Edit **
Job PostingRead *Create *Edit *
Employment WebsiteRead
* Only for those records that are associated with a position to which the hiring manager/interviewer has been assigned
** Only for those records that the interviewer owns
Since Ben is a hiring manager for software development, he needs to be able to do things like creating new positions or looking at a candidate and her application. Let’s assign the Hiring Manager permission set to Ben so he can accomplish those tasks.
  1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
  2. Click Ben Stuart’s name.
  3. In the user detail page, scroll to the Permission Set Assignments related list and click Edit Assignments.
  4. In the Available Permission Sets box, select Hiring Manager and use the arrows to move it to the Enabled Permission Sets box.
  5. Click Save.
Repeat these steps for the other hiring managers: Andy Macrola, Amy Lojack, and Clark Kentman.
Now that we’ve assigned all of our hiring managers the right permission set, let’s focus on our interviewers. Mario has scheduled a candidate for an interview next week, and Ben has asked two of his developers to interview the candidate. Assign the Interviewer permission set to Melissa Lee and Craig Kingman, so that they can check out the position and application, as well as leave their reviews of the interview.
Did you know you can control who sees whom in the organization?
Say you want to let recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers see and collaborate with each other, but not with standard employees. You can set the organization-wide default for the user object to Private, and create sharing rules to enable recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers to see and collaborate with each other in the Recruiting App, while preventing standard employees from viewing those users and vice versa.