2 Apr 2016

SFDC Functionality- Cloud Shedular

Cloud Scheduler allows you to request meetings with your customers, and have your customers select when they can meet before you confirm the meeting. When you use Cloud Scheduler to request a meeting, Sales force creates a unique Web page for your meeting that displays the proposed meeting times. When invitees visit the page, they select the times that work for them, and send you a reply. Sales force tracks all the responses so you can pick the best time to meet when you confirm the meeting. 

Implementation Tips:

• Cloud Scheduler isn't supported using Microsoft ® Internet Explorer version 6.0. 
• For users to request meetings using Cloud Scheduler, administrators must: 
1. Enable the new user interface theme. 
2. Add the New Meeting Request button to the Open Activities related list for contacts, 
leads and person accounts. The “Setting Up Cloud Scheduler” section below describes 
how to enable the new user interface and add the New Meeting Request button.
Best Practices Before you request a meeting, note the following: 
• You must have at least read access to the contacts, leads and person accounts that you request a meeting with. 
• Each invitee must have an email address specified in their record so Salesforce.com can send them a meeting request. 
• You can invite up to 50 people to a meeting. 
• We recommend you install Connect for Outlook or Connect for Lotus Notes so you can sync your     calendar events between Salesforce.com and Outlook or Lotus Notes. 
When proposing meeting times, it's helpful to have your Salesforce.com calendar up-to-date 
so you can see your free and busy times. 

Setting Up Cloud Scheduler:

To let your users request meetings with customers:
1. Enable the new user interface theme: 
a. Click Setup ➤ Customize ➤ User Interface
b. Select Enable New User Interface Theme.
c. Click Save. 
2. Add the New Meeting Request button to the Open Activities related list for contacts, leads, and person accounts: 
a. Click Setup ➤ Customize. 
b. Select either Contacts or Leads (whichever object you want your users to request a meeting with). If you have person accounts enabled and want users to request meetings with them, add the New Meeting Request button and the Email field to the page layout, which is located at 
Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Accounts ➤ Person Accounts ➤ Page Layouts. 
c. Click Page Layouts. 
d. Click Edit next to the page layout. 
e. Click Related Lists in the upper left corner. 
f. Double-click the Open Activities related list. You can also click the wrench icon ( ). 
g. Expand the Buttons section, and select New Meeting Request. 
h. Click OK. 
i. Click Save. 
3. Make sure users have the “Send Email” and “Edit Events” user permissions (these permissions are automatically selected in most standard profiles).
For more information, see “Viewing Profile Lists” in the Salesforce.com online help. If users don't have this permission, they:
• Won't see the New Meeting Request button on the Open Activities related list 
• Can't edit, reschedule, or cancel requested meetings 
4. (Optional) Add your company logo to the meeting requests sent to invitees: 
a. Upload your logo to the Documents tab, and make it externally available. 
Note the following guidelines: 
• The image must be in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format and be less than 20 KB. 
• For best results, use an image that is no more than 130 pixels wide by 100 pixels high at 72 pixels per inch. Images that are larger than these dimensions may not display correctly in some email clients due to automatic resizing. 
• If your custom logo is in the Shared Documents folder on the Documents tab, other users can replace it and indirectly change the logo that appears in meeting invitations. 
We recommend uploading the logo to your personal folder on the Documents tab so only you can replace it.
 b. Click Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Activities ➤ Activity Settings. 
c. Select Show Custom Logo in Meeting Requests. 
d. Select your logo, and click Submit. 
5. (Optional) Add the Requested Meetings sub tab to the Calendar section of the Home tab so that users can see a list of the meetings they've requested but not confirmed: 
a. Click Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Activities ➤ Activity Settings. 
b. Select Show Requested Meetings in the Calendar Section on the Home Tab. 
c. Click Submit. 
6. (Optional) Enable your Partner users to request meetings: 
a. Update your custom Partner User profiles: 
i. Include the “Send Email” and “Edit Events” user permissions. 
ii. Verify that the tab visibility for the Contacts and Leads tabs is Default On. 
b. At the bottom of the partner portal detail page, click Edit Profiles and activate the custom Partner User profile. 
c. Assign the custom Partner User profile to your Partner users: 
i. To create a new partner portal user, click Work with Portal and choose Enable Partner Portal Login on the contact detail page. 
ii. To update an existing user, click Work with Portal and choose View Partner User on the contact detail page. You can then edit the user and assign the custom profile. 
iii. Click Save.