18 Apr 2016

formulas used in salesforce.com applications----Part5

Part5=======>>>Formulas for:::

• Lead Management
• News Services

Lead Management

Auto dial
Creates a linkable phone number field that automatically dials the phone number when clicked. In this example, replace "servername" and "call" with the name of your dialing tool and the command it uses to dial. The merge field, {!Id} inserts the identifier for the contact, lead, or account record. The first {!Phone} merge field tells the dialing tool the number to call, and the last {!Phone} merge field uses the value of the Phone field as linkable text the user clicks to dial.

Formula----> HYPERLINK("http://server name/call?id=" & {!Id} &                                "&phone=" & {!Phone}, {!Phone})

Round-Robin Lead Assignment
Evenly distributes leads to a pool of users using a simple round-robin algorithm. This scenario applies the MOD function to the Lead Number field (a custom autonumber field with display format of {000000}, to produce a number that repeatedly cycles between 1 and the number of users in the round robin pool (3 in this example). After creating this formula field, you must create lead assignment rules based on it. For each value of the formula field (1, 2, or 3 in this example), you specify the user or queue assignment.

Formula---->MOD( VALUE({!Lead_Number__c} ), 3) + 1

Lead Aging (for open leads)
Checks to see if a lead is open and, if so, calculates the number of days it has been open by subtracting the date and time created from the current date and time. The result is the number of days open rounded to 0 decimal places. If the lead is not open, this field is blank.

Formula----->IF(ISPICKVAL({!Status} , "Open"), ROUND(NOW()-                                  {!CreatedDate}, 0), NULL)

Lead Data Completeness
Calculates the percent of your important lead fields that are being filled by your sales personnel. This formula field checks 2 fields to see if they are blank. If so, a zero is counted for that field. A "1" is counted for any field that contains a value and this total is divided by 2 (the number of fields evaluated). Lead_Num must be a numeric.
Formula----->( IF({!Phone} = "", 0, 1) + IF({!Email} = "",

                       0, 1) ) / 2

Lead Numbering
Returns a number for the text value in the auto-number field "Lead Number." This can be useful if you want to use the "Lead Number" field in a calculation, such as for round-robin or other routing purposes. Note that auto-number fields are text fields and must be converted to a number for numeric calculations.

Formula------>VALUE( {!Lead_Number__c} )


Google Search
Creates a Google search on Account Name.

Formula----->HYPERLINK("http://www.google.com/search?en&q="&                         {!Account_Name}, "Google")

Google News Search Company Name
Creates a Google news search on Account Name.

Formula------>HYPERLINK("http://www.google.com/news?en&q="&                           {!Account_Name}, "Google News")

Yahoo News Search
Creates a Yahoo news search on Account Name.

                          news?p="&{!Account_Name}, "Yahoo News")

Yahoo Search
Creates a Yahoo search on Account Name.

Formula------->HYPERLINK("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p="&{!Account_Name}, "Yahoo Search")

BBC News
Searches for company information on BBC news on Account_name.

Formula-------->HYPERLINK("http://newssearch.bbc.co.uk/cgi-                                        bin/search/results.pl?scope=newsifs&tab=news&q="&                           {!Account_name}, "BBC News")

CNN News Search
Searches for company information on the CNN Web site on Account_name.

Formula------>HYPERLINK("http://websearch.cnn.com/search/search?                          source=cnn&invocationType=search%2Ftop&sites=
                         web&query="&{!Account_name}, "CNN News")

Forbes News Search
Searches for company information on Forbes online on Account_name.

                          results.jhtml?MT="&{!Account_name},"Forbes News")