18 Apr 2016

formulas used in salesforce.com applications----Part6

Part6=======>>>Formulas for:::

• Opportunity Management
• Web Site Links

Opportunity Management

Create Event
Adds a link called "Create Event" that, when clicked, creates a new event that is associated with the current opportunity.

Formula------->HYPERLINK("00U/e?retURL=%2F006x0000001T8Om                               &what_id=" & {!Id}, "Create Event")

Opportunity Data Completeness
Calculates the percentage of your important opportunity fields that are being filled by your sales personnel. This formula field checks 5 fields to see if they are blank. If so, a zero is counted for that field. A "1" is counted for any field that contains a value and this total is divided by 5 (the number of fields evaluated).

Formula-------->(IF(ISNULL({!Maint_Amount__c}), 0, 1) +                                                 IF(ISNULL({!Services_Amount__c} ), 0,1) +                                             IF(ISNULL({!Discount_Percent__c} ), 0, 1) + 
                            IF(ISNULL({!Amount} ), 0, 1)+IF(ISNULL
                            ({!Timeline__c} ), 0, 1)) / 5

Opportunity Discounting with Approval
Add a "Discount Approved" checkbox to Opportunity. Sets up FLS so that only a sales ops exec can approve discounts. Uses conditional logic to check the value of the approval flag before calculating the commission.

Formula--------->IF({!Discount_Approved__c, ROUND({!Amount} –                                   {!Amount} * {!DiscountPercent__c}, 2), {!Amount})

Total Deal Size
Calculates the sum of maintenance and services amounts.

Formula--------->{!Amount} + {!Maint_Amount__c} +                                                          {!Services_Amount__c}

Completed Opportunity Fields
Calculates the percentage of your important opportunity fields that are being filled by your sales personnel. This formula field checks 5 fields to see if they are blank. If so, a zero is counted for that field. A "1" is counted for any field that contains a value, and this total is divided by 5 (the number of fields evaluated).

Formula---------->(IF(ISNULL({!Maint_Amount__c}), 0, 1) +                                                 IF(ISNULL({!Services_Amount__c} ), 0,1) +                                             IF(ISNULL({!Discount_Percent__c} ), 0, 1) + 
                              IF(ISNULL({!Amount} ), 0, 1)+IF(ISNULL(
                              {!Timeline__c} ), 0, 1)) / 5

Revenue Display (no "$")
Returns the expected revenue amount of an opportunity in text format without a dollar sign. For example, if the Expected Revenue of a campaign is "$200,000," this formula field displays "200000."


Expected Product Revenue
Calculates total revenue from multiple products, each with a different probability of closing.
Formula--------->{!ProductA_probability__c} *                                                                     {!ProductA_revenue__c} + {!ProductB_probability__}                             * {!ProdB_revenue__c}

Shipping Cost by Weight
Calculates postal charges based on weight.


Professional Services Calculation
Estimates professional service fees at an average loaded rate of $1200 per day. Consulting Days is a custom field on Opportunity.

Formula--------->{!Consulting_Days__c} * 1200


Web Site Link
Creates a link named "Company’s Website" that connects a user to the Web site address on the account record.

Formula-------->HYPERLINK({!Website}, "Company’s Website")

formulas used in salesforce.com applications----Part5

Part5=======>>>Formulas for:::

• Lead Management
• News Services

Lead Management

Auto dial
Creates a linkable phone number field that automatically dials the phone number when clicked. In this example, replace "servername" and "call" with the name of your dialing tool and the command it uses to dial. The merge field, {!Id} inserts the identifier for the contact, lead, or account record. The first {!Phone} merge field tells the dialing tool the number to call, and the last {!Phone} merge field uses the value of the Phone field as linkable text the user clicks to dial.

Formula----> HYPERLINK("http://server name/call?id=" & {!Id} &                                "&phone=" & {!Phone}, {!Phone})

Round-Robin Lead Assignment
Evenly distributes leads to a pool of users using a simple round-robin algorithm. This scenario applies the MOD function to the Lead Number field (a custom autonumber field with display format of {000000}, to produce a number that repeatedly cycles between 1 and the number of users in the round robin pool (3 in this example). After creating this formula field, you must create lead assignment rules based on it. For each value of the formula field (1, 2, or 3 in this example), you specify the user or queue assignment.

Formula---->MOD( VALUE({!Lead_Number__c} ), 3) + 1

Lead Aging (for open leads)
Checks to see if a lead is open and, if so, calculates the number of days it has been open by subtracting the date and time created from the current date and time. The result is the number of days open rounded to 0 decimal places. If the lead is not open, this field is blank.

Formula----->IF(ISPICKVAL({!Status} , "Open"), ROUND(NOW()-                                  {!CreatedDate}, 0), NULL)

Lead Data Completeness
Calculates the percent of your important lead fields that are being filled by your sales personnel. This formula field checks 2 fields to see if they are blank. If so, a zero is counted for that field. A "1" is counted for any field that contains a value and this total is divided by 2 (the number of fields evaluated). Lead_Num must be a numeric.
Formula----->( IF({!Phone} = "", 0, 1) + IF({!Email} = "",

                       0, 1) ) / 2

Lead Numbering
Returns a number for the text value in the auto-number field "Lead Number." This can be useful if you want to use the "Lead Number" field in a calculation, such as for round-robin or other routing purposes. Note that auto-number fields are text fields and must be converted to a number for numeric calculations.

Formula------>VALUE( {!Lead_Number__c} )


Google Search
Creates a Google search on Account Name.

Formula----->HYPERLINK("http://www.google.com/search?en&q="&                         {!Account_Name}, "Google")

Google News Search Company Name
Creates a Google news search on Account Name.

Formula------>HYPERLINK("http://www.google.com/news?en&q="&                           {!Account_Name}, "Google News")

Yahoo News Search
Creates a Yahoo news search on Account Name.

                          news?p="&{!Account_Name}, "Yahoo News")

Yahoo Search
Creates a Yahoo search on Account Name.

Formula------->HYPERLINK("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p="&{!Account_Name}, "Yahoo Search")

BBC News
Searches for company information on BBC news on Account_name.

Formula-------->HYPERLINK("http://newssearch.bbc.co.uk/cgi-                                        bin/search/results.pl?scope=newsifs&tab=news&q="&                           {!Account_name}, "BBC News")

CNN News Search
Searches for company information on the CNN Web site on Account_name.

Formula------>HYPERLINK("http://websearch.cnn.com/search/search?                          source=cnn&invocationType=search%2Ftop&sites=
                         web&query="&{!Account_name}, "CNN News")

Forbes News Search
Searches for company information on Forbes online on Account_name.

                          results.jhtml?MT="&{!Account_name},"Forbes News")

11 Apr 2016

formulas used in salesforce.com applications----Part4

Part4=======>>>Formulas for:::

• Date Calculations
• Discounting
• Expense Tracking
• Financial Calculations
• Integration Links

Date Calculations

Day of the Year
Calculates today’s numeric day of the year (a number between 1 and 365)

Formula----->TODAY() – DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 1, 1) + 1

Day of Week (number)
Calculates today’s day of the week as a number (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc.). This formula can be applied to any date field by substituting the date field instead of the TODAY function.

Formula----->MOD(TODAY() - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7)

Day of Week (text)
Calculates today’s day of the week and displays as text. This formula can be applied to any date field by substituting the date field instead of the TODAY function.

Formula----->CASE(MOD( TODAY() - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), 0, "Sunday", 1, "Monday", 2, "Tuesday", 3, "Wednesday", 4, "Thursday", 5, "Friday", 6, "Saturday","Error")


Opportunity Discounting
Calculates a discounted Opportunity amount using a simple percentage. This is a simplistic scenario where discount is applied at the Opportunity level, rather than the Opportunity Line level. Discount Percent is a custom field on Opportunity.

Formula----->ROUND({!Amount} – {!Amount} *                                                             {!DiscountPercent__c}, 2)


Mileage Expense Calculation
Calculates mileage expenses associated with visiting a customer site, at 35 cents per mile.

Formula------>Mileage Expense = {!Miles_Driven__c} * 0.35

Expense Number String Connect
Displays the text "Expense# " followed by the expense number. This is a text formula field that uses an expense number custom field.

Formula------>"Expense# "& {!ExpenseNumber__c}


Compound Interest
Calculates interest, compounded m times per year, you will have after t years.

Formula----->{!P} * ( 1 + {!R} / {!M} ) ^ ( {!T} * {!M) )

Continuously Compounding Interest
Calculates interest, if continuously compounded, you will have after t years.

Formula----->{!P} * EXP({!R} * {!T})

Payment Status
Determines if the payment due date is past and the payment status is "UNPAID." If so, returns the text "PAYMENT OVERDUE" and if not, leaves the field blank. This example uses a custom date field called Payment Due Date and a text custom field called Payment Status on contracts.

Formula------>IF(AND({!Payment_Due_Date__c} < TODAY(),{!Payment_Status__c} ="UNPAID") , "PAYMENT OVERDUE", null )

Payment Due Indicator
Returns the date five days after the contract start date whenever Payment Due Date is blank. Payment Due Date is a custom date field on contracts.

Formula------>NULLVALUE({!Payment_Due_Date__c} , {!StartDate}                             +5)

Rules-based Status Message
Uses conditional logic to display a "Payment Overdue" status message for open invoices.

Formula------>IF(AND({!PaymentDueDate__c} < TODAY(),                                              ISPICKVAL({!PaymentStatus},"UNPAID")), "PAYMENT                            OVERDUE", "")


Application API Link
Creates a link to an application outside Salesforce, passing the parameters so that it can connect to Salesforce via the API and create the necessary event.

Formula------>HYPERLINK("https://www.myintegration.com?sId="&                            GETSESSIONID() & "?&rowID="&{!Name} &                                              "action=CreateTask","Create a Meeting Request")

Skype Auto Dialer Integration
Creates a linkable phone number field that automatically dials the phone number via the Skype VOIP phone application. This example requires installation of the Skype application (a third-party product not provided by salesforce.com) on your desktop and modification of your PC’s registry to associate the "callto:" protocol with the Skype application.

Formula------>HYPERLINK("callto://+" & {!Country_Code__c} & {!Phone_Unformatted__c}, {!Phone})

formulas used in salesforce.com applications----Part3

PART3======>>>Formulas for:::

• Data Categorization
• Data Validation

Data Categorization:

Aging of Contract Approval Process
Calculates how many days a contract is in the approval process. This example is a number formula field on contracts that uses a custom date field called Date in Approval.
Formula-----> TODAY()-{!Date_in_approval__c}

Abbreviation Codes
Displays the text "Medical" for any Product Code that begins with "ICU." For all other products, displays "Technical."
Formula---->IF(BEGINS({!Product Code} , "ICU"), "Medical",                                         "Technical")

Revenue Categorization
Assigns the value "1" to accounts with revenues of less than one million dollars and the value "2" to accounts with revenues greater than one million.
Formula---->IF({!Annual Revenue} < 1000000, 1, 2)

Deal Size Categorization (small deal examples)
Displays "Small" if the price and quantity are less than one. This field is blank if the asset has a price or quantity greater than one.
Formula----->IF(AND({!Price}<1,{!Quantity}<1),"Small", null)

Product Categorization
Displays "Parts" for any product with the word "part" in it. Otherwise, displays "Service."
Formula----->IF(CONTAINS({!ProductCode} , "part"), "Parts",                                      "Service")

Deal Size Categorization (large deals)
Displays "Large" for deals over one million dollars.
Formula----->IF({!Price__c} > 1000000, "Large Deal", "Small Deal")


Case Data Completeness Tracking
Calculates the percent of your important case fields that are being filled by your support personnel. This formula field checks 2 fields to see if they are blank. If so, a zero is counted for that field. A "1" is counted for any field that contains a value and this total is divided by 2 (the number of fields evaluated). The fields Problem_Num and Severity_Num must be numeric.
Formula------>(IF(ISNULL({!Problem_Num__c}), 0, 1) +                                                  IF(ISNULL({!Severity_Num__c} ), 0,1)) / 2Invalid 

Invalid Renewal Expiration Date
Checks if Renewal Expiration Date is after Close Date (custom field). If true, it displays an error message; otherwise it is blank. This formula can be used in a custom report that lists error records, or it can be used in a workflow rule to assign a task to the owner to correct the error.
Formula----->IF ({!Expiration_Date__c} > {!CloseDate}, "Error:                                    renewal expiration date cannot be after Close Date", "")

Invalid Discount
Checks if discount percent field (custom field) is between 0 and 50%. If not, it displays an error message; otherwise it is blank. This formula can be used in a custom report that lists error records, or it can be used in a workflow rule to assign a task to the owner to correct the error.
Formula------>IF ({!Discount_Percent__c} > 0.50, "Error: Discount                               cannot exceed 50%",IF ({!Discount_Percent__c} < 0,                             "Error: Discount cannot be less than 0", ""))

Gratitude Checker
Checks if message field (custom field) contains the words "Thanks" or "Thank you". If not, it displays an error message; otherwise it is blank. This formula can be used in a custom report that lists error records, or it can be used in a workflow rule to assign a task to the owner to correct the rudeness.
Formula----->IF( OR( CONTAINS({!Message__c}, "Thanks"),                                          CONTAINS({!Message__c}, "Thank you")), "", "Did not                            express gratitude in message.")

9 Apr 2016

formulas used in salesforce.com applications----Part2

PART 2======>>> Formulas for::

Contact Management:

Contact Age (years old)
Calculates current age of contact in years. Subtracts birth date from today’s date, resulting in a number in decimal days. Divides this number by 365 to get years. Uses floor function to drop the decimal portion
Formula------>FLOOR((TODAY() - {!Birth date})/365).

Birthday This Month Indicator
Displays the value "Yes" if the contact’s birthday falls in the current calendar month
Formula----> IF ( MONTH({!Birthdate}) = MONTH(TODAY()), "Yes", "")

Preferred Contact Phone Number

In a contact-related list, displays the contact’s preferred contact method -- work phone, home phone, or mobile phone–based on selected option in a Preferred Phone pick list.
Formula-----> IF( ISPICKVAL( {!Preferred_Phone__c} , "Work"), "w. " & {!Phone} ), IF( ISPICKVAL( {!Preferred_Phone__c} , "Home"), "h. " & {!HomePhone} ), IF( ISPICKVAL( {!Preferred_Phone__c} , "Mobile"), "m. " & {!MobilePhone} ), "No Preferred Phone")))

Contract Aging
Calculates the number of days since the contract was activated. If the contract status is not "Activated," this field is blank.
Formula-----> IF(ISPICKVAL( {!Status} , "Activated"), NOW()-{!ActivatedDate}, null)

Contact Identification Numbering
Displays the first 5 characters of the contact’s last name and the last 4 characters of the contact’s social security number separated by a dash. Note that this example uses a text custom field called SSN on contacts.
Formula------>TRIM(LEFT({!LastName}, 5))&"-"&TRIM(RIGHT({!SSN__c}, 4))

Expiration Month
Returns the month that your service-level agreement expires. This example uses a custom date field called SLA Expiration Date.
Formula------> MONTH({!SLAExpirationDate__c} )

Telephone Country Code
Determines the telephone country code based on the country of the mailing address. Could be modified to use Billing country or other country field.
Formula-------> CASE( {!MailingCountry} , "USA", "1", "Canada", "1", "France", "33", "UK", "44", "Australia", "61", "Japan", "81", "?")

Dynamic Address Formatting
Displays City, State, Zip, or Postal Code City in standard
format -- depending on country.
Formula-------> CASE( {!ShippingCountry} , "USA", {!ShippingCity} & ", " & {!ShippingState} & " " & {!ShippingPostalCode} , "France", {!ShippingPostalCode} & " " & {!ShippingCity} , "etc")

Contact Autodial
Creates a dynamic hyperlink that passes the contact record ID and phone number to the Sforce TAP toolkit for phone dialed integration.
Formula-------> HYPERLINK("http://localhost:8541/call?id=" & {!Id} & "&phone=" & {!Phone} & "&sid=" & GETSESSIONID(), {!Phone} )

Unformatted Phone Number
Removes the parentheses and dash format characters from North American phone numbers. This is necessary for some auto dialed software.
Formula------> IF({!Country_Code__c} = "1" , MID( {!Phone} ,2, 3) & MID({!Phone},7,3) & MID({!Phone},11,4), {!Phone} )

8 Apr 2016

formulas used in salesforce.com applications-----Part1

PART 1======>>> Formulas for::

• Case Management
• Commission Calculations


Round-Robin Case Assignment
Evenly distributes cases to a pool of users using a simple round-robin algorithm. This scenario applies the MOD function to the Case Number field, to produce a number that repeatedly cycles between 1 and the number of users in the round robin pool (3 in this example). After creating this formula field, you must create case assignment rules based on it. For each value of the formula field (1, 2, or 3 in this example), you specify the user or queue assignment.
Formula------> MOD( VALUE({!Case Number} ), 3) + 1

Case Aging (for open cases)
Calculates the number of days a case has been open. If the case is closed, sets the result to blank. Add this formula to a related list as the sort column, and you can quickly see which currently open cases have been open the longest.
Formula-------> IF( {!IsClosed},null, NOW() - {!Created Date} )

Case Categorization
Displays a text value of RED, YELLOW, or GREEN, depending on case age (a custom field). This formula could be used for grouping in a summary report.
Formula-------> IF( {!Case_Age__c} > 20, "RED", IF({!Case_Age__c} > 10,                                                 "YELLOW","GREEN")) 

Case Due Date Calculation
Sets the due date based on the priority of the case. If it is high, due date is 2 days after being opened. If it is medium, due date is 5 days after opening. Otherwise, due date is 7 days.
Formula-------> IF( ISPICKVAL({!Priority}, "High"), {!Created Date} + 2, IF(                                                 ISPICKVAL({!Priority}, "Medium"), {!Created Date} + 5, {!Created                                      Date}+ 7))

Auto dial

Creates a linkable phone number field that automatically dials the phone number when clicked. In this example, replace "servername" and "call" with the name of your dialing tool and the command it uses to dial. The merge field, {!Id} inserts the identifier for the contact, lead, or account record. The first {!Phone} merge field tells the dialing tool the number to call, and the last {!Phone} merge field uses the value of the Phone field as the linkable text the user clicks to dial.
Formula--------> HYPERLINK("http://server name/call?id=" & {!Id} & "&phone=" &                                     {!Contact Phone}, {!Contact Phone})

 Case Aging (all cases)
Calculates the number of days a case has been open, for both open and closed cases.
Formula--------> IF( {!IsClosed} , ROUND({!ClosedDate} -{!CreatedDate}, 0) ,                                              ROUND((NOW() -{!CreatedDate}),0))

Suggested Offers
Suggests a product based on support history for a computer reseller. When problem (custom field) matches a field, a suggestion can be offered.
Formula-------> CASE( {!Problem__c} , "Memory", "Suggest new memory cards",                                 "Hard Drive failure", "Suggest new hard drive with tape backup", "")

Suggested Agent Prompts
Prompts an agent with cross-sell offers based on past purchases.
Formula--------> CASE( {!Product_Purch__c} , "Printer", "Extra toner cartridges",                                      "Camera", "Memory cards", "Special of the day")


Flat Rate Commission Calculation
Calculates a commission based on an Opportunity amount and percentage. This is a simple scenario where commission is a flat 8% of Opportunity amount for Closed Won Opportunities.
Formula--------> IF(ISPICKVAL( {!Stage Name}, "Closed Won"), ROUND({!Amount} *                                  0.08, 2), 0)

Rule-Based Commission Calculations
Calculates a commission rate based on deal size. 9% commission paid for Large Deals.
Formula-------> IF( {!Amount} > 100000, 0.09, 0.08 )

Sales force Rules Types

Rules Types in Sales force:

  • Validation rules
  •  Assignment rules
  •  Auto-response rules
  •  Workflow rules
  •  Escalation rules

Validation Rules:
Improve the quality of your data using validation rules. Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards you specify before the user can save the record. A validation rule can contain a formula or expression that evaluates the data in one or more fields and returns a value of “True” or “False.” Validation rules also include an error message to display to the user when the rule returns a value of “True” due to an invalid value.
Assignment rules:
Assignment rules to automate your organization’s lead generation and support processes.
Lead Assignment Rules—Specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the lead import wizards.
Case Assignment Rules—Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.
Typically, your organization will have one rule for each overall purpose—for example, one lead assignment rule for importing and a different lead assignment rule for web-generated leads; or one case assignment rule for standard use and one case assignment rule for holiday use. For each rule type, only one rule can be in effect at any time. For a list of the maximum number of rules allowed in each organization, see Sales force Editions and Limits.
Each rule consists of multiple rule entries that specify exactly how the leads or cases are assigned. For example, your standard case assignment rule may have two entries: cases with “Type equals Gold” are assigned to “Gold Service” queue, and cases with “Type equals Silver” are assigned to “Silver Service” queue
To create an assignment rule, click ===>
Your Name | Setup | Customize from the top of any page. Then select Leads or Cases, and click Assignment Rules.
Auto response rules:
 An auto-response rule is a set of conditions for sending automatic email responses to lead or case submissions based on the attributes of the submitted record. Applicable leads include those captured through a Web-to-Lead form. Applicable cases include those submitted through a:
Self-Service portal
Customer Portal
Web-to-Case form
Email-to-Case message
On-Demand Email-to-Case message
You can create as many response rules as you like based on any attribute of the incoming lead or case, but only one rule for leads and one for cases can be active at a time. The email responses are listed in the Activity History related list of the lead or contact and the Email related list on cases.
Workflow rules:
Many of the tasks you normally assign, the emails you regularly send, and other record updates are part of your organization's standard processes. Instead of doing this work manually, you can configure workflow to do it automatically.
Workflow automates the following types of actions based on your organization's processes:
Tasks—Assign a new task to a user, role, or record owner.
Email Alerts—Send an email to one or more recipients you specify.
Field Updates—Update the value of a field on a record.
Outbound Messages—Send a secure, configurable API message 
Escalation Rules:

Typically, your organization will have one escalation rule that consists of multiple entries which specify exactly how the cases are escalated. For example, your standard case escalation rule could have two entries: cases with Type set to Gold are escalated within two hours, and cases with Type set to Silver are escalated within eight hours.Create case escalation rules to escalate cases automatically if they are not resolved within a certain period of time.
Choose Your Name | Setup | Customize | Cases | Escalation Rules.
Salesforce processes any rule in the fowowing order=====>>
Validation –> Assignment–> Auto-response–> Workflow –> Escalation rules